TERISOLIR: New !!! Transtool With the right language

A good application and very assist. Translate the word and sentence of Indonesian to English and or on the contrary. Transtool now attend with newest version TransTool 6.1, it is of course have ever been better in translating with because have improve and complete from it version before all.

transtool in translation like this:

A good application and truly very helpful. Translate words and sentences from English to English or vice versa. TransTool now comes with the latest version TransTool v6.1, would have been better in translating with because it was improving and refining of the previous version.

Yes although there is still a word or words is the odd translation wajarlah: D aja Software name he he he:). So after we first translate also note that if translated correctly and not be a language that is standard.

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Friday, December 5, 2008 Posted in | | 1 Comments »

One Responses to "New !!! Transtool With the right language"

  1. Anonymous

    thanks atas software gratis nya :)
    semoga sukses

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