TERISOLIR: Highfaluting Generation Communication Windows 7

Highfaluting windows telling the next generation that is increasingly crowded windows 7. New OS-based kernel windows server 2008 is Microsoft planned to be launched later in 2009.

Unlike with Vista, Microsoft Windows 7 designed to run on common hardware user at this time, jd for computers that have been able to run vista smoothly will most likely be able to run smoothly win7 also.

On windows7 microsoft designing GUI (Graphical user interface) on the new taskbar, this is the most dratis GUI changes in the 15 years history of the windows, this new design show in the form of a taskbar icon that is similar to the docking on the property of Apple Mac OS.

Perhaps many are also not know that before vista actually has the Mac Os first use glossy display, and if you remember in more kemasa ago before windows appear first, apple is the first launched with the OS graphical display. to do when Microsoft will mimic Apple?

under the following screenshoot some of the windows 7 (picture may be a little heavy ^^)..
to view in larger size please click on the image ..

Monday, December 1, 2008 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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